2038: relay technique SFIOL without flanges

Since the development of the Yamane technique, the idea of flange creation to secure an IOL to the sclera has become very popular. We can also use polypropylene suture to accomplish the same thing, again with flange creation. The issue with all of these flange technique cases is the potential for the flange to erode through the conjunctiva and become exposed. For this reason it is advised to ensure that the flange is buried within the scleral tissue instead of just resting on top of the sclera. Our guest surgeon today has a unique technique where a relay suture is used to secure the polypropylene suture to the sclera without having to create a flange. What do you think of this novel technique?

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1 Comment

  1. This is a cool technique indeed. Retina surgeons do snake like 10-0 Prolene scleral fixation passes to fixate IOLs (mainly 3-piece IOLs)-But this is a cool new adaptation of this technique into the world of 6-0 and flanges! Nice! Thanks for sharing Uday!

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