How to Evacuate this Hyphema

This patient was struck in the eye with a Champagne cork, which was traveling at a high velocity and hit him squarely in the cornea. This caused a traumatic hyphema from damage to the iris and he immediately developed an near-total hyphema. His trauma was a few days ago and he is now suffering from poor vision (light perception only) as well as high intra-ocular pressure, hovering around 40 to 50 mmHg.

The decision was made to take him to the operating room to surgically evacuate the hyphema. We did biometry and IOL calculations just in case we found a ruptured lens capsule at the time of surgery. Fortunately, this was not the case. The video describes the surgical technique to carefully evacuate the hyphema without damaging the crystalline lens. This patient is just 40 years old and we want to keep him phakic. The video also includes the machine parameters to ensure the safe removal of the blood clot while avoiding iatrogenic damage to the lens.

Click below to learn how to evacuate this hyphema: